Monday, August 25, 2008

"My Food Storage Plan"

OK, I'm game to respond to my daughter's invitation to "show" our food storage. Go ahead and look. My food storage plan is sitting on that rock in our back yard. Isn't she beautiful???

Heaven, I'm in heaven, and my food storage has all the leaven it can hold
The Olympic games are over & I'm standing on the podium with my gold.

Go ahead - knock yourself our for the silver and the bronze.

Love Dad


Becky said...

Oh Dad, you totally make me smile. Thanks for sharing and I'm so glad you are playing my game even though a picture of your garden would be nice. I love you!!!

Aaron H. said...

i'm looking at the blue tape on irena's windows wondering when this picture was taken. i remember you taking the picture and thought it was this year. but then i see my giant hasta plant in the background and realize that this picture is at least 18 months old.

ChefTom said...

I remember back in the old days (or is it the younger days?) you had the grocery store in your house. there was a whole room with shelves and loaded to the brim with food storage.

The Mormon Monk said...

Okay, Dad--I'll give you the quality award, but what about quantity? What are you going to do when you're done eating Mom?

Unknown said...

Okay--you win. I can't even TRY to compete with that! She IS the food storage queen. You're so lucky!

Ben Hutchins said...

Love it. Great picture Mom. I can't wait to come visit everyone next week! I am taking the red-eye flight and will get to Logan around 10am - Sept 7, Sunday.

shirlgirl said...

Waiting for your next entry. Too much time inbetween. Your "food storage plan" is a beautiful woman.

Jo Jo said...

I think that's the best plan I've heard of thus far. She's the tops. And so are you. Amy Jo