Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Around the house"

The "Paparazzi" have been at it again. This time they have caught a much sought after couple unawares as they casually strolled around the estate they live on. It appears to be somewhat of a lonely life as there are no children to be seen anywhere. It's rumored that their children live close by but the heart-breaking truth is that no matter where this couple looked on the day the pictures were snapped, they could not be found. It's even rumored that this couple have numerous "grand" children. It could not be confirmed, however it is well known that these little tykes can hide easily in the shrubbery.

We promise we won't make you rake the leaves.
There are lots of flowers to smell.

You can come and sit with us and we can have great conversations

We have big, soft laps to sit on
See how big our house is? We're here all the time and it's mostly empty and we get real lonely.
Where o' where have my little children gone?
We miss you

Aren't we kind looking? Don't you think that we would be fun for children to be with? We have so many bedrooms, we even bought the Wi console, and the cookies just sit in the freezer until we don't know where they are anymore. Please come play with us. We promise we'll let you go home again. Please??


Anonymous said...

be careful what you ask for....

and what about those big, soft laps? GROSS! :)

Ben Hutchins said...

Sign us up! I love the pictures. Great stuff - - man if I can look that good when I'm an old timer :) ... well I'll be a happy man. And how about Mom - looing good!

What's going on with you two? They must stock the temple with anti-aging creme instead of hand lotion.

Anonymous said...

I'm there! Every day, if I can swing it! Do be careful what you wish for...
I love you the most!

Becky said...

You're the HOSTEST with the MOSTEST! The pictures are beautiful. By the way...I love you more than Jenny! (hee,hee)

Anonymous said...

WHAT BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!! What a couple!! LOVE YOU!! Wish i could be there!! No kids yet, but someday you'll wish you never said that, you won't be able to get rid of me & my family!!!!!! :) Haha, maybe i could bring some dolls and we can all play!!
Love you LONGTIME!!

Anonymous said...

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL COUPLE!! FOREVER YOUNG ;) MISS YOU BOTH, WISH I COULD BE THERE!! No kids yet, but someday you won't be able to get rid of me & my family!! Haha, maybe next time i come i'll bring some dolls and we can all play!!

<3 Tina

Jeannette said...

Oh I miss you guys so! I would be there in a heart beat if I could:) You both look so cute in these pictures! I sure do love you guys:)