Monday, January 21, 2008

"Houston, we have a wee wee problem"

Reverting to childhood impulses I bought a Wi a couple of weeks ago. Since then my vocabulary has morphed into simultaneous uses of sound alike words. My psychiatrist said if I just wrote down some of my thoughts, kind of verbalizing them - it would make me feel better.

We: (pronoun: used by and with reference to more than one person or associated person)

Wee: (adjective: little; very small)

Wee: (verb: to go [hopefully] in the toilet)

Whee: (expressing delight or excitement [especially when you hit the toilet])

Wi: (proper name: [pronounced "wee"] an interactive/virtual video game)

We have been using a wee-Wi in between times to go wee amid cries of whee. My 'wi-ing experience has been one of whee, whereas many of my wee-ing experience has been one of ho, whoa and woe.

Woe: (distress, trouble)

Whoa: (A command to stop)

Ho: (an expression of surprise)

Go: (to start)

Many of my wee'ing experiences result in exclamations of whoa! "Didn't mean for that to happen". Sure, there is an occasional "Whee" at the end of my wee, followed by a "ho"!, but too often there is just "woe". In the middle of the night with the lights out it is a lot of "go" followed quickly by "whoa". I wish I could just go wee without the woe.

If I could just practice my wee on the wi I think my woe would turn to ho - and maybe whee.
Unfortunately there is no weeing on the Wi. Unless of course I moved it to the bathroom.

Woe is me.

Wi Whee - Wee woe. Ho, go, ho, go.

Whoa. Stop me please.


Becky said...

Wow! I think my brain hurts...

Homeschool Mom said...

I found the link to your blog on Becky's page. I love it! We attend Church with Becky and you spoke to my son before he gave his first talk. You have a great sense of humor. Keep it up! By the way, I am a huge fan of caffiene free diet Pepsi and any form of caffiene free cola. I feel your pain.

DainBramage said...

I was laughing so hard I said "whee" and nearly went wee. :)Great post!

Anonymous said...

Good post.